MoSS United Kingdom
MoSS Deutschland MoSS Nederland MoSS Danmark MoSS Sverige MoSS Suomi

Partners of the MoSS Project. Chart by Mikko Rautala. The Maritime Museum of Finland/The National Board of Antiquities.

Project Organizers

The main organizer of the project is:

National Board of Antiquities, the Section of Maritime Archaeology, which is answerable for the project as a whole.
NBA / Section of Maritime Archaeology, Hylkysaari, FIN-00570 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 9 4050 9051, Fax +358 9 4050 9060

The co-organizers are:

The Mary Rose Archaeological Services Ltd. (United Kingdom)
1/10 College Rd, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LX, UK
+44 (0)23 9275 0521, +44 (0)23 9287 0588

The Netherlands Institute for Ship- and Underwater Archaeology (the Netherlands)
Oostvaardersdijk 01-04, 8242 PA Lelystad, THE NETHERLANDS
+31 (0)320 269 700

National Museum of Denmark
Department of Conservation (Archaeology)
Brede, Post Box 260, DK-2800 Lyngby, DENMARK
Tel.: + 45 33 47 35 22

Archaeological State Museum of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany)
Archaeological Statemuseum of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schloss Wiligrad, 19069 Lübstorf, Germany, phone: +49 3867/7800, fax: +49 3867/8806

Södertörns högskola (Sweden)
Box 4101, SE-14104 Huddinge, SWEDEN

Registration period for the Portsmouth Seminar over.