Project Management
For the general decision-making and the evaluation of the project, the partners set up a Project Evaluation Board (PEB). Each of the participating countries have a representative on the board. As the project leader, the Maritime Museum of Finland is responsible for the project as a whole. The PEB is chaired by Mr Carl Olof Cederlund.
The PEB is in charge of supervising all decision-making and, if necessary, the board itself makes the decisions. The PEB answers for the general project management and evaluation, and it is the duty of the board members to find solutions to the problems that may arise in the course of the project.
For the evaluation of the project there is an inner and an outside evaluator. The evaluator inside the project is Mr Carl Olof Cederlund and the outside evaluator is Mr Fransisco J. Alves.
The PEB meets whenever the project seminars and meetings are held, which means that the board meets approximately every six months. There will be written minutes of the PEB meetings. Besides this, the European Commission will receive an annual report on the project as a whole.