Documentation of the wreck
In March 2001, the Archaeological Statemuseum of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern made preliminary research at the wreck site. The first photogrammatical documentation was done as well, and in July 2001, there was a small-scale trial excavation in the afterbody of the ship in order to get more information about the ship's construction. By the help of various computer programs, we managed to get detailed measurements of the different parts of the wreck. The measurements could be used when a rough image of the visible parts of the wreck was drawn.
The wreck will be documented by different methods. Firstly, a side-scan sonar will give detailed data about any artificial structures at the nearby surroundings of the wreck. Parts of the wreck, parts of the cargo or even other wrecks might be located by this method. Secondly, the use of a sediment sonar will give us information about the sediment that covers the submerged parts of the wreck. We may get information about the depth of the keel, for example, and we may find also find out whether there still are parts of the ballaststones, cargo or equipment inside the wreck. Next, an underwater georadar will likely give us detailed information about items that are under the wreck. Last but not least, regular aerial survey will document seasonal changes in the preservation conditions of the wreck.